Friday, May 15, 2009


i know, everyone saw me like a-----i know you know what i mean

but i won't be like that guys
i know i always consider all of the boys just like a game
but's long time ago
everyone pretend like a nice guys to me, but i know they're lying. they always talking about me and my bad habbit. about me-boys, about me-cigarrete, and me---ehem, bitch.....(mungkin bahkan lebih banyak sahabat gue sendiri yang kaya gini)
okay, i have 'played games' with many boys. i know i have made a big mistakes, i shouldn't playing with they heart
yeah i will get the reprisal
and now i got that
let's laugh
ha ha ha. that's fair
well, we call that with "karma" and i believe that word
now one of my "old boy" are trying to revenged me. come on boy, make me feel hurt and.....taa daa, well done, you successed
you want to call me what? bitch? slut? whatever
i prever honest people than lying-and-try-to-be-a-nice-guys
if i make a wishlist
on the top, the first, i will write 'i wish i'll not dissapointed my boyF again,and i wish i can be the one for him,i can give an happines to him,and it'll seem everlasting.ya i'll try my best' with the bold and the underline
i'll love that boys, and just one.....just one boys
no more boys